Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Americans Live in Two Silos

A horrible thought, but true, divided we fall. Americans separate themselves in two camps--red/blue, conservative/liberal, Republican/Democrat. We listen to different media outlets, read divergent newspapers, live in small towns/large cities, and reside in the interior of the country/on the coasts. The recent comments by the freshman Congress person Ilhan Omar from Minnesota is a case in point. She utters irresponsible statements; obviously she does not filter her comments. The points are anti-Israel, so Americans immediately are divided. The pro-Israel forces demonize her. The anti-Israel side excuses her and claims anti-Muslim sentiments are fueling the criticism of her. College students join forces with Omar.  The older, moderate Democrats have to choose sides and are left in limbo. The Republicans are gung-ho Israel, many for the wrong reasons. These same folks were probably anti-Semitic several generations back. Congress is in chaos. People scream at each other--"You are anti-Semitic. You--anti-Muslim. You--anti woman. You--anti-American." No middle ground exists.
What about a person like me? I am anti-Netanyahu, settlements, and harsh treatment of Palestinians. I abhor AIPEC. So am I anti-Semitic? No, hardly. Am I anti-Israel? No, definitely not. But, if I am pro-Israel, am I a Republican? Never. Anti-American because I "pledged my support" to Israel. That's ridiculous.
If Pelosi talks to Congresswoman Omar, Nancy Pelosi is anachronistic, anti-Muslim, anti-Palestinian, racist, etc. On Thursday of this week, Congress will proclaim that anti-Semitism and anti-Muslimism are not acceptable. By the way, Ilhan Omar never uttered anti-semitic comments. That interpretation originates from the press and the utra-right, a strange marriage for sure. But what about Mr. Trump? He remains anti everybody except for Christian White Males and makes executive decisions based on his racism?
And why is Ilhan Omar stirring the pot? For her own aggrandizement? Surely, Israel is not the only country demonstrating policies and procedures that deny people their human rights? She stated that if she could criticize the NRA and current enviornmental policy, why could she not discuss U.S. policy towards Israel? Certainly, she can do so; however, she must be informed on the history of Israel and American Jews. Incendiary statements will spark a fire and quickly turn into a maelstrom, as we are witnessing.
There is no longer space for nuance in thought and discussion. This polarizing dynamic has been repeated over the last decade--climate change, guns, immigrants. The situation agitates and aggravates me. I feel anxiety. I scream, yell, "This is crazy making." We are getting more divisive, separated, bifurcated, unable to discuss with the other "side".
In 2016, the Democrats focused on understanding the people who voted for Trump. Books were written. Now, in 2019, comprehension of the motivation of a Trump voter is impossible; argument substitutes for meaningful discourse. The opposing groups raise their voices, "You are not being fair. That's fake news. Of course, I don't like his speeches; but, look what he has accomplished. Are you crazy, he hasn't accomplished a thing!" And on and on, until everyone is exhausted, drained, and upset.
By the way, Ilhan Omar is from Somalia. Why is she so concerned with Israel? Oh oh, I must be racist and anti-Muslim. I am just asking questions. She is criticizing Saudi Arabia. so that does give her more credibility. The adult in me asks, why is a freshman congress woman not learning the ropes and focusing on her new role?
My detractors will accuse me of being negative, overly sensitive, etc. I should chill, ignore the "crazy" ones, disregard the news, and not respond to the relatives who live out West who support Mr. Trump. However, we are living in a mess. I fear only a serious national crisis will wake us up. History is the source of this predicition. Look at the 1920's and 1930's and then think what happened. The world exploded. But then again, I am what is called a "Second Generation Holocaust Survivor". Of course, I would be full of fear.

1 comment:

  1. A very interesting a thoughtful article - many thanks Ralph
