Sunday, January 30, 2022

Who Cares?

 Various media sources reported that some hours after International Holocaust Day, a suspect--without a home or some such euphemism--spray painted over 100 swastikas and racist epithets on the facade of Union Station. The national news media did not find the story sufficiently exciting to bring it to the attention of citizens. CNN, local news, and the Washington Post sent out short blurbs on the event. 

Why? I suppose something else caught their attention on that day. Oh, I know, a "cyclone bomb"was blowing up the eastern seaboard, previously known as  a "Nor'easter." The old time fisherman and boatmen of the New England coast laughed in their graves over this nonsense. Massachusetts and Maine are known for wicked storms. So people in the D.C. area stocked up on toilet paper, bread, eggs, and milk while there were over one hundred symbols painted on the outside of Union Station, the train depot mere steps from the U.S. Capitol. "Never mind, oh well, who cares." Merely defacement of public property I was told, when I mentioned the situation to a leader in the Jewish Community of the metropolitan D.C. area. Disturbing yes, but not a hate crime.

I, for one, do not care if drawing swastikas on public property is a misdemeanor or meets the defintion of "hate crime." What bothers me is the uptick of obvious hatred in our country while civic authorities dismiss certain actions and blow others out of proportion. Certainly, graffiti is not a bombing, shooting, or taking of hostages. No one was hurt. However, hate is expressed in symbols, pictures, and words. Amtrak police may not care particularly, and someone is covering up a lack of security.  But swastikas are swastikas and send a strong message. 

© 2022 Karen Levi

Friday, January 14, 2022


  Just today, my sister said to her husband, "it's war, we have to eat the granola." An inside joke to be sure, my sister refers to past events which are no laughing matter. In addition to "war," we refer to "Shanghai," to describe practices refugees resorted to in wartime China. 

Our mother was a stateless person in Shanghai throughout World War II, a relatively safe haven for German and Austrian Jews. During the war, my mother and her compatriots subsisted on a starvation diet of soy milk, bread, beans, potatoes, turnips, chicory coffee and whatever else could be wangled. Not only was there a food shortage but also rampant inflation. Sound familiar? A bit, maybe.

We see shortages in the markets and inflation due to the pandemic, though insignificant compared to wartime in China. Nonetheless, one ought to consume available products and cease wasting food. A well-known phenomenom, Americans discard comestible and spoiled provender daily. Refuse from edibles hastens the deterioration of the planet, as dump sites overflow.

The daughters of immigrants, my sister, Connie, and I belong to the "clean plate club." As children, we gobbled what our mother served, for the most part. She calculated and cooked the precise amount of food she considered appropriate for our family. We laugh now when we share the experience of a good meal--"I ate every bite." Waiters often remark, "I guess you liked the food," said in good-natured jest. To avoid overeating, we request carry-out containers. We bring the leftovers home, including rice. 

I complain about the empty shelves, but then I remember the past and present reality. Afghanistan suffers from a food crisis. Some Americans go to bed hungry. If we cannot find plain flavored water, at our favorite store, buy seltzer; if no romaine lettuce, substitute spinach; if no Honeycrisp apples, try Kiku; no black shoe polish, live with it and so on. If supermarkets and pharmacies in the United States sold half their inventory, people from elsewhere would still gawk at the selection. 

I feel ashamed about my throw-away mentality. I try to squander less; but, I am a product of the consumer society. Recycle, reuse, donate, repair--my mottos--discouraged by businesses. Local governments work diligently to reverse the trend; but for now, do what you can--eat what you find in your pantry, refrigerator and market.

© 2022Karen Levi

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Wake Up

 The new year began a day ago. I read an article about devices for measuring time--for example, grandfather clock, sundial, metronome, stopwatch, timer, apple watch, and the atomic clock.  I decided to record the pandemic in shortages, similar to my count of days of the virus, alternatives to documenting time.

The pandemic has been with us for two years. We enter our third winter of the virus. I began counting days of the virus on or about March 13, 2020, approximately when Governor Hogan announced a complete shut-down on the emergency alert system. FYI--we are on day #652. 

So back to shortages which seem to be completely random. In 2020, we experienced shortages of toilet paper, wipes, paper towels, and hand sanitizer. I clearly remember the Friday before I began counting. My friend in Irvine, CA was desperate for Purell hand sanitizer, at the time the only brand we recognized. I thought, what the hell, how difficult could it be to locate the stuff which I had scoffed about for years. Germs are good. Dirty is better than too clean. We need to strengthen our immunity system. Needless to say, my daughter, Isabel, and I never found hand sanitizer that blustery March day. On a whim or call it a premonition, I bought small bottles of hand sanitizer in February at Bath and Body Works. So we had some, but none to ship to California.

I picture the images in my mind from that time. The news reported that "older Chinese men" in a far-off province in China became sick and died. I felt reassured, since I am not a man or Chinese. Of course, I had no inkling of what was to come. When the first shutdown occurred, it seemed frightening but surreal, like a blizzard warning. Huh, we'll stay inside, be safe, and all will be well soon. 

A few days before the Purell shortage, Isabel and I tried to track down medical gloves and masks. We found gloves in Virginia but masks, no chance. That was the day, Isabel and I attended our last performance in a large indoor theater. Asking for masks was met with nervous laughter by sales clerks.

Luckily, in the early days of COVID-19. we found cheap paper masks sold individually from behind the counter, $1.00 a piece, at our small local CVS. Little did I know that masks--did I say masks?--would become a fashion accessory. One had to consider color; material--cotton or paper; theme--holiday, season, political; and source--country, department store, seamstress, a talented friend, or Amazon? Now we buy KN95 masks by the box. I even succumbed to purchasing self tests. 

Shortages--black shoe polish, bleach for color wash, tuna, sandals, holiday decorations, all types of furniture, certain brands of water and soda, canned soup, pasta, multi-vitamins, facial tissue--examples-- nonetheless an indication of something amiss. No American today experiences true hardship when the shelves seem empty. As a consumer, I feel curious. Rationing and a lack of necessities has not occurred in my lifetime. Some Americans do go hungry due to other reasons.

Supply-chain difficulties, including a decrease in longshoremen, truck drivers, and factory workers result in the gaps in the neatly displayed items on supermarket shelves. Are the workers sick, taking unemployment rather than low wages and poor benefits? Probably, yes. Causes include partisan politics; reliance on cheap foreign goods; and a long-standing trend of de-regulation, trickle-down economics, and tax incentives for corporations and the super-wealthy. 

A lack of awareness causes me angst. Some fellow citizens do not read warning signs--among them able bodied people unwilling to work for nothing. Leaders shy away from strict short-term mandates for vaccines and masks, so the variants of the virus continue to cause havoc. We have a Bill of Rights; however, our founding mothers and fathers certainly would not condone harming one another. We prize freedom of choice, but should a few obtain options and opportunities without regard to others?

Generosity and hospitality are not in short supply. Many Americans give their time, money, and food to the needy every day. But heeding warning by curtailing appetites seems to be impossible. What about driving the humongous SUVs; flying helter skelter anywhere to "get away," purchasing luxury residences in cities around the world, and non-stop partying and bar hopping? Why do homeowners remain nearsighted to the need for solar panels, the pollution caused by natural gas, or the use of a gas guzzling vehicle to drive a significant distance to bike or hike? Americans rush to buy generators in case of a blackout due to the fear of discomfort; extra freezers to store food for doomsday; and guns to protect and defend, But they do not consider the risk of accidental shootings and the "opportunity" for suicide attempts, as well as the pollution caused by extra large appliances, especially those hooked up to gas lines.

A few days ago, I saw videos of raging wildfires in Colorado in late December! The sky displayed an eery orange glow, and the landscape parched to a dull brown. The area, adjacent to Boulder, is not the desert, yet it resembled one. The video switched to a panicky scene in Chucky Cheese. Young families scrambled to grab coats and children and ran out into a weird wind/smokestorm. The families jumped into their SUV's, young ones safely buckled in, and drove off. The kids stared out the windows. No one said a word. If this does not scare you, I am dumbfounded.  

© 2022Karen Levi