Thursday, September 13, 2018

L'Shana Tova--2018

I met three little girls on my walk today. One was fair with freckles on her nose and blond. She celebrated Christmas. One was biracial with many braids in her hair, light brown, and celebrated Christmas. And one was dark brown with black hair and celebrated Chanukah. That is our country now. It is browning and one never knows who is what religion or ethnic background  or actual race. I could have met a redhead who is Muslim. But that is whom I met today. When I approached the bench, I thought that the blonde girl was Jewish and the dark skinned girl was Muslim or Sikh or Hindu. See what I know? It is how it is and should be now in the waning days of 2016. No orange haired charlatan who is a snake oil salesman can change our reality. We have been great. The people are strong. And those that are afraid will have to change. After pondering and reading and thinking, I still believe that this is the crux of the matter at hand. 
So my grown-up holiday wish is for those who are afraid to see that we are actually all right. And to stop being afraid and to stop listening to scary people. Change is never ending. Best of everything and let there be light, in the dark places. Karen