Saturday, November 17, 2018

Overwhelmed Undone Inundated

Thoughts for the week--
Too much happens in one week. I have to think hard to remember that the midterms were only ten days ago. And they were a success from my point of view. No wonder everyone feels overwhelmed. There have been three shootings in three weeks or two?
What happened on Monday? Oh the fires? So terrible. Another "perfect storm" of bad events coming together to create a disaster. Escape routes, PGE, propane tanks out in the open in a fire prone area. And then the trees right up to buildings, warning systems, buddy systems, flame retardant construction materials. Who ran this town? By asking these questions, I am in no way diminishing the horrible loss of life and property and present danger of toxic air. No, of course not. I care.
But, I cannot help but think of the pell mell, haphazard development that occurs all over the country. Take care of your property, clear your area. I see here in my condominium complex how sloppy and inconsiderate people are with no dire consequences. Tragedy is compounded when responsibility is relinquished. And building standards? What happened in Paradise is what we see in undeveloped countries. If a person desires to live "off the grid", they need to be prepared.
People will call me inconsiderate. My mother said, "Are you blaming the victims?" No and more no. Trees, birds, animals, and fire were here long before us; we need to respect our natural resources and lands. California is blessed with so much beauty. With the eery visions of this week--people walking in downtown S.F. in masks--I would think there is nobody left who needs convincing about what is to come.
By the way, no tragedy, but weird nontheless, there was snow in the Mid Atlantic region this week. Very atypical. Last time this occurred was on a Veteran's Day in the early to mid 1980's. Extreme climate events have arrived. The wind is much stronger in Maryland than in years past. What does that mean?
Thankfully, I celebrated Shabbat on Friday night with my community. Today I am lucky enough to take a deep breath of fresh air. And no News programs or newpapers.
Shabbat Shalom.
Karen Levi

Monday, October 29, 2018

Fall 2018

Fall 2018

The dark is what I hate most.
Unable to see I fumble lost.
Damp cool air
In the lair.
Most do not care.
Their thumbs move over
Maybe hover.
The keyboard
Oh Lord
There is death
Still the petty care.
What to wear.
Want my steak rare.
You realize child
Even if you are mild
You are in harms way
Stop your thumbs.
Step over the bums.
Come with me
To be
A fighter
For righteousness
For loving kindness.
Burn the bullets.
Burn the bombs.
Let them in
Amidst the din
Just like your kin.

These words stumbled out. I know very little about poetry.
I have never liked fall. I try to appreciate the colors, but this year the fall is dull, grey green, dried up leaves. Nothing to like for me. My inner state matches nature this year. The air is cool and it is dark early. The wind blows all the time. And then there is senseless death. As if it isn't enough that people die of disease and accidents everyday. Someone has to make it worse.

Monday, October 22, 2018

October 21, 2018

Eve Ensler and Anne Lamott

     I had the pleasure of hearing these two women speak last night at the Strathmore Arts Center. They are both gifted writers and speakers. Eve and Anne are the angels that have stepped into our world to inspire us and keep us moving forward. I do not give this accolade to just anyone. Both women have trudged through the muck, more than once, to reappear renewed and cleansed, after a shower, of course. Each word they speak is wrought with meaning. There is no extra verbiage--no uhs, yeahs, you see's. Eve and Anne speak honestly and openly. Not only do they speak, write and act to present their views, they also give tirelessly of themselves to other women around the world or in their neighborhood.
     Some highlights for me:
     l. Our mothers did not have the knowledge and vocabulary we have today to identify and act
     when abuse occurred. Just like the generation of today has tools--awareness, confidence, 
     knowledge-- we did not have.
    2. Women who refuse to hear women who have been abused and/or support Trump--the Predator-        In-Chief"--most probably were abused themselves and have not seriously worked through their
    own trauma regarding abuse.
    It was a pleasant evening and time well spent.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Why Do Middle Aged and Older Females Think Little Girl Hair Styles Look Good?

I know I am being trivial and many women will disagree. But this is my opinion.
What is with women who wear their hair in messy pony tails or very tight pony tails? Why do women with grey hair think they should still have long hair? Do women who pull part of their hair up with a clip or barette really think this looks good? Buns are fine and can be very elegant; but, ladies, leave the messy buns for the very young. Leave pony tails for the young. The youthful hair style does not work, especially with grey hair. Be sophisticated, elegant, chic, edgy but not a little girl. We were little girls, but we aren't any more. Let's be realistic, sensible, graceful. We can be liberated women who persist in all we do and still carry our age with confidence and beauty.
The same goes for leggings; that type of pants belongs in the gym, as lounging wear, or with a tunic. But that's it. Leggings do not substitute for pants. Again, what a little girl can wear is not what we can wear. Thankfully, there are so many stretchy jeans and pants now that finding comfortable pants is not a problem.
By the way, I am guilty of wearing leggings too frequently and workout clothes everywhere. I have changed my habits. Now that I am showing my age, it is time to dress the part. Otherwise, I, too, will look like a "little old lady" in teenager's clothing. Not a pretty sight.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

L'Shana Tova--2018

I met three little girls on my walk today. One was fair with freckles on her nose and blond. She celebrated Christmas. One was biracial with many braids in her hair, light brown, and celebrated Christmas. And one was dark brown with black hair and celebrated Chanukah. That is our country now. It is browning and one never knows who is what religion or ethnic background  or actual race. I could have met a redhead who is Muslim. But that is whom I met today. When I approached the bench, I thought that the blonde girl was Jewish and the dark skinned girl was Muslim or Sikh or Hindu. See what I know? It is how it is and should be now in the waning days of 2016. No orange haired charlatan who is a snake oil salesman can change our reality. We have been great. The people are strong. And those that are afraid will have to change. After pondering and reading and thinking, I still believe that this is the crux of the matter at hand. 
So my grown-up holiday wish is for those who are afraid to see that we are actually all right. And to stop being afraid and to stop listening to scary people. Change is never ending. Best of everything and let there be light, in the dark places. Karen