Friday, March 8, 2019

People Just Don't Care

At the risk of being a misanthrope, I believe a majority of Americans are apathetic towards Mr. Trump, his cronies, and their policies. We, who are able, should be in the streets, protesting, and writing letters and making phone calls at home. More Americans are protesting than is typical; but a critical mass has not been established. The "silent majority"returned not to even mention more sinister groups.
Unexamined fear on the part of Americans is not a justification to condone a disproportionate amount of minorities to be killed by the police or for refugees to be sent back to violence in their countries and separated from their children in refugee camps. I believe our country has come to a critical juncture--raise our voices or sit complacently in our warm houses and let the dark forces come forth and act.
Never in recent history have we had a leader who blantly breaks the law, scoffs at the law, lies outright, regards others with antipathy, repudiates knowledge of civics, and does not desire to learn aught. Never have we had a leader who represents the worst in our culture--fast food, materialism and capitalism as religion, disavowal of a moral underpinning, and a nullity of interests--except golf. Only the ghosts of dogs or cats scamper and prowl the White House.
Young people ordinarily work and support their new families. Middle aged folks continue with this pattern and save for the future. Old people survive and reap the benefits of their hard work. Nothing wrong with the status quo, but what about others who are less fortunate? What about justice? What about history? Plenty of people are doing charity work; vowing to protest serious challenges to our democracy is a particular matter.
Right in front of our Caucasian faces, the police treat young white males differently than men of color. Refer to the incident at the Lincoln Memorial in January. I do not believe Black or Hispanic youth would have been forgiven for their egregious behavior toward an elderly Native American. Black youth are killed by police because they have a shiny object in their hand, and they are running. Fear again, of course, but aren't law enforcement officers trained to subdue suspects without killing them?
What about Paul Manafort getting a light sentence for serious corruption and possible treason? Why are we imprisoning indigenous women and children at the southern border; yet white foreigners, who have overstayed the duration of their visas, are given time to sort out their affairs?
Does anyone out there care? Maybe white Christian people do not remember that they were treated badly, for example the Irish Americans and Italians when they arrived in the United States in the  nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Maybe German Americans do not recall that they were ostracized during World War I and II? Maybe Asians have not read their history in this country; perhaps they do not know about Angel Island and the building of the railroads? Could it be that the Daughters of the American Revolution have forgotten that their ancestors left England due to religious persecution? Is unfair treatment just fine, so long as it's not affecting you and your family?
I guess so.

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