Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Look and Listen

The Holocaust Museum sent out a small pamphlet, "Defining The Enemy". I kept it with the hope that I could "spread the word". Perhaps, someone will be influenced or changed by the information. Warning signs of fascism abound in our world today, including in our United States.
The leaflet describes how Nazi propaganda promoted the myth of the "national community" and identified who should be excluded. In that time, Jews were defined as the main enemy. Now, the current administration in control of our country considers Hispanics, coming from Latin America, and Muslims to be the other.
The three "Key Facts" of defining the enemy, according to the handout, are targeting a group as outsiders; using propaganda and laws to further isolate the group; and campaigning and encouraging hatred, violence and an indifference to these operations.
Anyone who is willing to see the commonalities of our times and the dreadful period of World War II--and a myriad of other historical periods, will comprehend the implications of the president's frightening and destructive behavior. Books have been written on this subject, so I will keep this post short and omit details. Examples of the key facts just keep coming, as rapidly as one of our summer storms move. We are informed of the shocking stories as they pop up on our screens.
Before ending this small bit of writing I add the following observation. The administration's comportment after the "Barr Report" was made public, revealed the dictatorial nature of the leader of our country and the blind devotion of his cronies--attacks on the press and media; personal threats to the careers of congressmen; and celebrating, gloating, and turning the tables on who was the problem. These are all classic strategies used by authoritarian leaders.
The Democrats should sit back in their comfortable chairs; inhale and exhale; and watch the fascistic circus on our national stage.

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