Saturday, November 17, 2018

Overwhelmed Undone Inundated

Thoughts for the week--
Too much happens in one week. I have to think hard to remember that the midterms were only ten days ago. And they were a success from my point of view. No wonder everyone feels overwhelmed. There have been three shootings in three weeks or two?
What happened on Monday? Oh the fires? So terrible. Another "perfect storm" of bad events coming together to create a disaster. Escape routes, PGE, propane tanks out in the open in a fire prone area. And then the trees right up to buildings, warning systems, buddy systems, flame retardant construction materials. Who ran this town? By asking these questions, I am in no way diminishing the horrible loss of life and property and present danger of toxic air. No, of course not. I care.
But, I cannot help but think of the pell mell, haphazard development that occurs all over the country. Take care of your property, clear your area. I see here in my condominium complex how sloppy and inconsiderate people are with no dire consequences. Tragedy is compounded when responsibility is relinquished. And building standards? What happened in Paradise is what we see in undeveloped countries. If a person desires to live "off the grid", they need to be prepared.
People will call me inconsiderate. My mother said, "Are you blaming the victims?" No and more no. Trees, birds, animals, and fire were here long before us; we need to respect our natural resources and lands. California is blessed with so much beauty. With the eery visions of this week--people walking in downtown S.F. in masks--I would think there is nobody left who needs convincing about what is to come.
By the way, no tragedy, but weird nontheless, there was snow in the Mid Atlantic region this week. Very atypical. Last time this occurred was on a Veteran's Day in the early to mid 1980's. Extreme climate events have arrived. The wind is much stronger in Maryland than in years past. What does that mean?
Thankfully, I celebrated Shabbat on Friday night with my community. Today I am lucky enough to take a deep breath of fresh air. And no News programs or newpapers.
Shabbat Shalom.
Karen Levi

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